Incomplete DMARC record will flag your emails as spam

2 min readOct 11, 2019


A day ago I was trying to set up a custom domain-based email address on Zoho. One of the steps to complete the process was to publish your DMARC policy. DMARC is an email authentication policy for recipient handling of authentication failures, and reporting from receivers to senders, to improve and monitor protection of the domain from fraudulent email.

Publishing DMARC Policy — Zoho Mail

The picture above shows you how to create the record. For the record name, you may have to exclude the ‘’ part, depending on your domain registrar (in my case it was GoDaddy). Because some domain registrars append your domain name to the record in the backend, so including it might result in publishing failure.

For the record value, paste the string from the picture above and change your domain name appropriately. After saving the records you can test them by visiting

After the DMARC record was published successfully, I started to send emails using the configured mail address, and I was surprised to see that all my emails were ending up in spam box. I couldn’t figure out what went wrong since all the above tests suggested that everything was configured correctly.

After a lot of unsuccessful attempts, I showed the issue to my mentor. He looked into the matter briefly and was able to fix it. The change that did the trick was to append `pct90; sp=none` to the DMARC record value.

sp — sPolicy for subdomains of the OD

pct — Percentage of messages subjected to filtering

I hope this information saves you some time and effort.



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